Sunday, January 18, 2015


Greg's new schedule started today! There are not enough exclamation points for this. In terms of schedules, his old one could have been worse but it was not a good fit for our family.

He used to work Mon, Tue, Friday, and Saturday from 9AM-8PM. His commute takes between 30-40 minutes, so without stopping for anything he typically got home a little shy of 9PM.  Cooper's bedtime is around 7:30 so this meant that 4 days a week he barely spent time with Cooper.

This also equated to me spending 4 nights a week making 2 dinners and cramming in all of the kid-care by myself in a very hectic post-work small time block. By the time Greg and I sat down for dinner it was already 9:30.

Weekends have also been pretty uneventful for the duration of his last schedule. He was only able to go on a full weekend camping trip once last year. The rest of the trips I took with my parents. We only went to the drive-in once or twice. I stopped going to the farmer's market because Cooper was so active that it was  impossible to juggle him while trying to shop. Those places aren't always the stroller-friendliest. It also made me realize how many family events take place on Saturdays instead of Sundays.

His new schedule is much better. Sun-Thur from 9:30AM-6:30PM. He will be home every night for dinner! We can try the whole "eating at the dinner table" thing. We can have nightly story times again. I already set up a category in our budget for camping because we are planning on doing much more camping this year. I will greatly miss our lazy Sundays together, but the extra family time is going to be great.

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