Monday, June 15, 2015

Good things!

My mind has been tending to drift towards the negative (more than usual!) as of late, so I thought I would take some time to jot down the good things that happened today:

I was leaning out the door saying goodbye to Cooper and Greg this morning. I said "Goodbye, Cooper! I love you!" and he turned around and smiled at me and said "I luh you, ma!" He's been saying "I love you" back for a month or so now, and I don't think it will ever get old.

First full week that my work schedule is back to normal!! There are not enough exclamation points for this. I never realize how much goodness comes from a more or less regular schedule until it is thrown off.

I decided to stop decorating outside for Halloween. I know this sounds like a bad thing, but honestly, I am pretty relieved about it. There is definitely a bit of sadness about not having a crazy yard, but I am so looking forward to not being tied down to my house on Halloween (to hand out candy) for the first time in the last 5 years. I am thinking a Halloween camping trip will be in the works! Also, less clutter and less money spent.

My house has been clean for a few days in a row! Okay, so you still need to close your eyes and pretend the nerd room and my craft room are clean, but the rest of the house has actually stayed clean!

Take that, Monday blues!

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