Greg and I are halfway through paying off our credit card debt!! WOOOOO!! We still have a longgg way to go, but we're getting there! Hooray for progress! Over the last few months we also paid off $1400 worth of IRS (circa 2013) surprises and didn't use any credit cards this Christmas.
Chippin' away, friends. Chippin' away. Please do yourselves a favor and never live beyond your means little by little for years until you find yourself sitting with credit card debt amounts equivalent to the price of a nice, brand new car.
Man, I miss those end of the year work surprises. That would have really sped things along this year. I am still happy with our progress and can't WAIT to be credit card debt free! After that it's the dreaded student loans.
Chippin' away, friends. Chippin' away. Please do yourselves a favor and never live beyond your means little by little for years until you find yourself sitting with credit card debt amounts equivalent to the price of a nice, brand new car.
Man, I miss those end of the year work surprises. That would have really sped things along this year. I am still happy with our progress and can't WAIT to be credit card debt free! After that it's the dreaded student loans.