Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Halfway there!

Greg and I are halfway through paying off our credit card debt!! WOOOOO!! We still have a longgg way to go, but we're getting there! Hooray for progress! Over the last few months we also paid off $1400 worth of IRS (circa 2013) surprises and didn't use any credit cards this Christmas.

Chippin' away, friends. Chippin' away. Please do yourselves a favor and never live beyond your means little by little for years until you find yourself sitting with credit card debt amounts equivalent to the price of a nice, brand new car.

Man, I miss those end of the year work surprises. That would have really sped things along this year. I am still happy with our progress and can't WAIT to be credit card debt free! After that it's the dreaded student loans. 

Sunday, December 27, 2015


*I tried to write about a couple specific things that happened on Christmas and no matter how I try to jot it down, it just doesn't work. It's a lot of feels and they just don't translate well to the blogosphere. It's safe to say that Christmas was difficult this year. There were just so many things that went wrong. At no point did it actually feel like Christmas. 2016 will be better.

*I have been persistently sick over the last 2 months. In November I had a 3 week long respiratory illness that just wouldn't stop. The one I'm currently dealing with has lingered over the last 8 days.  I completed the z-pack yesterday and really hope the symptoms wrap up soon. It's a little worrying to me that I went 3 years without major respiratory illnesses and have had 2 major, long episodes over the last 2 months. Several years passed without antibiotics and now I have had to take them twice within a really short period of time. Hopefully it's a fluke and not an indication of anything more serious.

*Greg and I are going on our first solo trip since I was pregnant with Cooper and I am a nervous wreck about it. The closer it gets the more I convince myself that a major catastrophe will happen and Cooper will end up an orphan. I know that sounds ridiculous, but anxiety will tell you ridiculous things. I honestly almost canceled the trip last weekend but Greg talked me out of it. We really need a break after the last year. Cooper will be in the company of his favorite people while we're gone and I know he'll have a ton of fun. Part of me still wants to cancel everything and just go back to Disney because Cooper would at least be with us on that trip. 

There is more, but I am so tired. Clearly I don't need that vacation. ;)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


This week has been insane. Monday night I was up until 2AM waiting for the results of my mom's CT scan. She was with my sister on the way to NY to be with her family after my uncle passed away. She had a health emergency requiring an unexpected hospital visit and blood pressure numbers over 200.

I had no debit card due to the stolen phone last week, so Greg had to run out and sell his PS4 to Gamestop for emergency funds in case I had to hop in a car and drive to the hospital (in PA). It was an incredibly tense, stressful 5 hours of waiting. Doctors were throwing around phrases like "bleeding behind the eyes, risk of stroke." My dad had a stroke 4 years ago, so strokes are already on the radar for my family. Thankfully she was released from the hospital around 2 and she is okay now. It's amazing what extreme stress can do to your body.

On top of that, Cooper had 2 in-home evaluations this week. The ABA one was the most laid-back evaluation he has had to-date. I have a really good feeling about his therapy and feel a lot less worried about it now.

His school evaluation was today and when they say comprehensive evaluation, they mean it. 5 people from the school came to the house for the evaluation. The speech pathologist, school psychologist, and special ed instructor evaluated him while he played with toys. An audiologist ran a hearing screening on him. The social worker asked us hundreds of questions while the other people evaluated him during playtime. We won't know what he will qualify for through the school district until the eligibility meeting in mid-January. I really hope he will qualify for speech therapy and occupational therapy so we don't have 3 therapies to pay for out of pocket, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

I'm too tired to come up with a witty way to wrap this up.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Weekend revisited

Aww, look at how optimistic I was last weekend! This weekend looked more like:
-Stolen phone on Friday
-Shut down bank accounts Friday night due to stolen phone
-$20 in cash to last 3 people Friday-> Tuesday. No alternate source of income. We shut our credit cards down to avoid ending up back in the credit card debt situation we're currently clawing our way out of.
-Zero naps for the kid yesterday or today.
-Writing out a list of the people we need to call to tell them I am now unreachable and they need to reach Greg to confirm appointments.
-Husband in DC yesterday with his band while I handle no-nap situation.
-Husband working today while I handle no-nap situation.
-Canceled plans x2 due to no-funds fun.
-A clusterfuck of a messy house as we dragged out the remaining Christmas decorations.
Note: Why is the messy clusterfuck so stressful? Because Cooper has 2 in-home evaluations this week. On Tuesday he has the ABA evaluation and Wednesday the school evaluation.

Bring it on, week. Come to our messy house, school and ABA. I would offer you something to eat or drink, but that shit costs money.