Wednesday, December 9, 2015


This week has been insane. Monday night I was up until 2AM waiting for the results of my mom's CT scan. She was with my sister on the way to NY to be with her family after my uncle passed away. She had a health emergency requiring an unexpected hospital visit and blood pressure numbers over 200.

I had no debit card due to the stolen phone last week, so Greg had to run out and sell his PS4 to Gamestop for emergency funds in case I had to hop in a car and drive to the hospital (in PA). It was an incredibly tense, stressful 5 hours of waiting. Doctors were throwing around phrases like "bleeding behind the eyes, risk of stroke." My dad had a stroke 4 years ago, so strokes are already on the radar for my family. Thankfully she was released from the hospital around 2 and she is okay now. It's amazing what extreme stress can do to your body.

On top of that, Cooper had 2 in-home evaluations this week. The ABA one was the most laid-back evaluation he has had to-date. I have a really good feeling about his therapy and feel a lot less worried about it now.

His school evaluation was today and when they say comprehensive evaluation, they mean it. 5 people from the school came to the house for the evaluation. The speech pathologist, school psychologist, and special ed instructor evaluated him while he played with toys. An audiologist ran a hearing screening on him. The social worker asked us hundreds of questions while the other people evaluated him during playtime. We won't know what he will qualify for through the school district until the eligibility meeting in mid-January. I really hope he will qualify for speech therapy and occupational therapy so we don't have 3 therapies to pay for out of pocket, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

I'm too tired to come up with a witty way to wrap this up.

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