Friday, April 1, 2016

Saying goodbye

My gramps passed away yesterday. He had a hellish last 6 months of his life-losing his son, my uncle Brian, and going through medical crises over the last several months leading to an amputation surgery and a bout of pneumonia that he succumbed to. Despite that, he had a very peaceful passing. He was surrounded by people he loved, hands linked together in a group prayer as he left this world. I know that he is in a better place now and that his suffering is over.

He had such a great sense of humor. My mom's entire side of her family shares that. On the rare occasion that we were all able to meet up (they lived in FL, some of our family lives in NY, we're in the middle) the house would be full of laughter. He was a great story-teller, and after raising 6 kids there were plenty of stories to tell.

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