In case the last post didn't paint a clear enough picture: the shed was a MESS. I was terrified to clean it because I was convinced that there would be monster sized spiders, rodents, etc. lurking underneath the boxes that hadn't been moved in decades. I love the fake-scary stuff, but the real deal? No way.
Several spiders and a ton of clutter were the only things ultimately discovered. Greg did manage to scare me by letting out a blood-curdling scream when my back was turned. I thought that a rodent was unearthed so I hauled ass out of there without even looking back. I didn't peak inside until I heard his laughter.
It was a super productive day!
This is after a packed-full SUV's worth haul. We ended up taking 2 crammed SUV full loads to the dump and still have a few things that need to be disposed of. It was a long day but the work space is definitely looking better.
The rug is pretty disgusting, but it's going to have a fair share of paint and styrofoam bits covering it soon enough. At least I don't have to worry about ruining it!
Speaking of which-The other night I merrily made my way out to the shed. I was thrilled to start setting up storage! I threw my container of supplies down on the carpet, flicked the light on and to my horror noticed the dozen+ HUGE slugs all over the carpet. I stifled a scream and hopped backwards until I was out of the shed. The next morning I set up a slug barrier and luckily it worked. Slug free!
I still have to haul out most of my craft supplies (paint, brushes, etc.) Storage is nowhere near being finalized. As a crafter who has had craft spaces of all varieties, I know that the storage aspect will constantly evolve as I figure out what works and what doesn't. For now I am just really excited to have a space of my own to create in.
Tonight I start on my first mini-project. It's something I pinned years ago when I first discovered Pinterest. I will be back with progress on that. Hopefully there will be no additional mollusk adventures to share.
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