Whew. I forgot how insanely stressed I was last time I updated this thing. Things were stressful on the parenting front for a few months. From what I've heard, this is a pretty common thing for just-turned-3-year-olds. Add on Cooper's frustrations from his speech delay and it kind of collided into this mess of stress.
Like all things parenting related, things evened out. We got through it. I need to remember that going forward.
Things are still pretty chaotic in our house right now. Greg very unexpectedly lost his job last month. We are extremely lucky because he was re-employed almost immediately. However, there is still a gap between paychecks we're currently scrambling against. His new job pays significantly less and I have to insure all 3 of us now. My employer's health insurance rate just skyrocketed. Money is tight, it sucks, but we will get through it like we always do.
Cooper is still struggling with sleep anxiety. The going-to-bed routine on average lasts 2 hours. It is daunting, but at this point it is so expected that it isn't as overwhelming as it was. On those rare nights he falls asleep instead of crying/talking/shouting forever, it is bliss.
Cooper's appointment with the developmental specialist is finally only a couple weeks away. It is just an intake appointment so we won't have "answers" but to finally be closer to another step forward is a relief.
So, rambling aside. Things are kind of crazy but for once it doesn't feel impossible. I have my family, we have our imperfections, but we move forward.
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